Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Fuck you Walmart

Just saw a commercial for Walmart. It was about some guy who started as a cashier and was given 10 promotions. Wow, that sounds great. EXCEPT! Because he was only able to do this on the backs of foreigners backs. They make so little that they can't afford to buy even the cheapest products at Walmart. They make their workers live, and pay to live in dormatories. Even if they don't want to live there, they have to pay for their spot in the dorm. I hate Walmart. Just because some asshole here in America gets promoted 10 times, it doesn't make Walmart right. I do not shop there. I condem those who do, even my father.

Of course I'm not stupid. The same shoit goes on at KMart and Target.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


We have a gay mayor! Kentucky is so fucked up. They elect that crazy as hell tea party asshole Rand Paul. Of course he ran on the republican tiicket. I can't tell you how pissed at the south I am. It is ridiculous. But we have a gay mayor...Jim Gray! So that's good. But I can't wait to get the hell out of here and never come back. Most people are republicans, and I am so far to the left that I am proud to say that I am probably actually a socialist. When I get to Oregon, watch out. I will totes blossom out there because I will have so much more in common with the peeps out there. Well at least in Portland. I hate Rand Paul because I know his type. He was the guy in college who partied all the time, should have been in jail for all the fucked up shit he did- but his rich daddy got him out of any trouble he got into, did whatever he wanted because of his sense of entitlement and again, his rich daddy, he has probably never had to do anything he didn't want to. He is of the privilidged upper class. He reminds me of George Bush,Jr. I'm not going to war, you can't make me...I'm going to golf everyday of my Presidency, or go to his ranch and hide out when things aren't going his way. Rand Paul will accomplish nothing while he is in office. However, he may become even more popular with assholes like him. I have an anger level about this mid term election that exceeds mywildest dreams.