Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Fuck you Walmart

Just saw a commercial for Walmart. It was about some guy who started as a cashier and was given 10 promotions. Wow, that sounds great. EXCEPT! Because he was only able to do this on the backs of foreigners backs. They make so little that they can't afford to buy even the cheapest products at Walmart. They make their workers live, and pay to live in dormatories. Even if they don't want to live there, they have to pay for their spot in the dorm. I hate Walmart. Just because some asshole here in America gets promoted 10 times, it doesn't make Walmart right. I do not shop there. I condem those who do, even my father.

Of course I'm not stupid. The same shoit goes on at KMart and Target.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


We have a gay mayor! Kentucky is so fucked up. They elect that crazy as hell tea party asshole Rand Paul. Of course he ran on the republican tiicket. I can't tell you how pissed at the south I am. It is ridiculous. But we have a gay mayor...Jim Gray! So that's good. But I can't wait to get the hell out of here and never come back. Most people are republicans, and I am so far to the left that I am proud to say that I am probably actually a socialist. When I get to Oregon, watch out. I will totes blossom out there because I will have so much more in common with the peeps out there. Well at least in Portland. I hate Rand Paul because I know his type. He was the guy in college who partied all the time, should have been in jail for all the fucked up shit he did- but his rich daddy got him out of any trouble he got into, did whatever he wanted because of his sense of entitlement and again, his rich daddy, he has probably never had to do anything he didn't want to. He is of the privilidged upper class. He reminds me of George Bush,Jr. I'm not going to war, you can't make me...I'm going to golf everyday of my Presidency, or go to his ranch and hide out when things aren't going his way. Rand Paul will accomplish nothing while he is in office. However, he may become even more popular with assholes like him. I have an anger level about this mid term election that exceeds mywildest dreams.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


In case you were wondering where I was, I was here, but my DELL laptop died. DO NOT buy a DELL! I know so many people who have had trouble with them. I wish there was a lemon law for computers!

Things I am loving:
Housewives of Beverly Hills! Two of Paris Hilton's aunts are on it. One of them thinks she is an icon. Supposedly she was a child star. Whatever, she seems pretty crazy. But the other aunt of Paris Hilton's was pretty fabulous. I'd seen her before. A lot of times, when Paris gets arrested, she is the Hilton family spokesperson. She also has Demi Moore hair. I wonder if she gets a weave discount through Paris or does she pay full price? It must be like $10,000 worth of hair. (going by how much Kate Gosselin paid for hers.)

Housewives of DC, REUNION! This is so much better than wasting my time watching the show. Everyone has their talons out and they're ready to cut a Salahi! Thos two people are the craziest because they don't realize that they are crazy. They continue this strange, plastic existance...mainly for themselves.

Jennie Craig! Yes I am now a registered Jennie Craig client. I really hope this works. The past three years have been absolutly horrible. My weight has been yo yoing, but kept moving up a ound of two, even with said yo yo.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Blue Moon

So much to say....first of all, fuck the Teapartiers. They are all a bunch of racists who don't want to pay taxces. Speaking of that, I read that there are 300,000 people in America who don't recognise any government higher than sheriff. These people scare me. They live by their own rules and think they are right. Sounds like how the mafia described the police in Goodfellas. They are wrong. They are bad. They are unAmerican. They are looking for another country. They are not Americans. I never thopught of myself as much of an American....until all this mosque on ground zero bullshit came up. America was founded on religous freedom. All these ignorant people saying that having a mosque isn't American are mother fucking ignorant!!!! They ar the ones who should leave. America is about freedom, bitches!

Go Snooki! You and your little thick body are hot! I think you need to travel to Chicago, late '90's. It was full of guidos! They might even still be there!

Life as a restaraunt server is tough. Cuz I'm really a gangsta. I was born to shop and forced to work. Oh until Portland will not be fun! uh yes, I am trying to move to portland sometime in 2011.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


So on my agenda for the day, I am going to listen to all my favorite music and drink some brillant reisling and make beautiful copper wrapped turquoise jewelry and some chain and pearl necklaces. It is overcast and sweaty outside. But I braved the elements to go to Ramsey's and get a hotbrown. I remember 20 yrs ago, I had my first Ramsey's hotbrown on the second day they were open down on High Street. This began my love affair with the hotbrown. I have introduced it to some of my friends from Chicago. Commonly heard phrases upon seeing their hotbrown set down in front of them include "Holy Shit!" "This is gonna give me a heart attack!" After their first bite they say "Oh my god! This is so good!"

Thursday, July 8, 2010

July is going to rock!

I have been busy promoting my two businesses...I have been hanging oversized postcards on the doorknobs of the affluent for my pet service and ordering my invitations for DIAKITTYdesigns jewelry party. It is a very exciting time for me! oh and I am the one who did Lindsay Lohan's nails for her court appearance...I actually think that was pretty sweet. She just shouldn't have flaunted them during court. I feel sorry for her. She has had no parental guidance and she isn't that talented. I saw this new reality show on Bravo about these two famouse photogs and they were supposed to do a shoot with Lindsay. It was for her own line of leggings and she was 8 hours late to the shoot. Then she wanted to leave after just a couple of wardrobe changes to go to some party. Everyone on the shoot was kissing her ass and telling her that she "is the most beautiful woman in the world". She replied, "tell that to Samantha". I never know if they're together or not. Which is strange, because I am so into celebrity gossip. I thought of a rumor to spread about Jennifer Aniston: she had a baby when she was 14 and gave it up for adoption. Years later she wanted to reunite with the child...and it's Adam Lambert!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Jewelry time!

For the past few days, I have been doggie sitting on campus. Thge house is one of the original farmhouses off of Euclid. It has great energy! I have been making some beautiful bracelets, earrings and even a metal and pearl necklace! I combined metal, shell, glass, green turquoise and whatever else I could find. I didn't get to wrap any beads, yet...I have a friend of a friend who is going to teach me how to do some intricate weavings. I hope I get to meet this mystery person soon. I'm also hoping to put together an invitation to my summer shin dig this week. I also really hope its not going to turn into a big fakaktah ordeal, like everything else I have been doing with my jewelry!(etsy, was able to upload my jewelry pics onto these sites and get a banner. But I can't navigate the sights. There is a sale I want to participate in on etsy, but can't figure out how to do it...even after reading the directions several times!!!! On I can't figure out how to make 'friends' with other artists among other things. if anyone wants to help me out with any of this, let me know!