Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Jewelry time!

For the past few days, I have been doggie sitting on campus. Thge house is one of the original farmhouses off of Euclid. It has great energy! I have been making some beautiful bracelets, earrings and even a metal and pearl necklace! I combined metal, shell, glass, green turquoise and whatever else I could find. I didn't get to wrap any beads, yet...I have a friend of a friend who is going to teach me how to do some intricate weavings. I hope I get to meet this mystery person soon. I'm also hoping to put together an invitation to my summer shin dig this week. I also really hope its not going to turn into a big fakaktah ordeal, like everything else I have been doing with my jewelry!(etsy, deviantart.com)I was able to upload my jewelry pics onto these sites and get a banner. But I can't navigate the sights. There is a sale I want to participate in on etsy, but can't figure out how to do it...even after reading the directions several times!!!! On deviantart.com I can't figure out how to make 'friends' with other artists among other things. if anyone wants to help me out with any of this, let me know!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Oh Happy Day

I got a last minute pet sitting job from an old client yesteerday. I am in like flynn with her dog Summer. I have been sitting for her for years, and I love her so much! It is interesting how a dog's behavior changes through the years. She is a vibrant dog that loves to play catch with me. I know that she is older, and act accordingly, so we go for shorter walks and in the late evening when it is coooler. I am so excited about my woodworking skills. My father taught me how to saw and sand wood today! This jewelry case is taking a lot longer than I thought, but turning into a very lengthy learning process. If I ever figure out how to post pics here, I will post one of the finished product.

Yesterday, I made jewelry for hours! So far I have two main collections: blue and pink. I'm working on an amber/70's retro vibe line. Maybe I'll figure out how to post pics of my new jewelry!?

Friday, June 25, 2010

ebay is for crackheads

i had previously posted a purse to auction on ebay. I had no luck. So I decided to check out what others were selling. Okay so it is all about 'lots'. Its where you get a bunch of stuff and sell it as a lot. I think a 'lot' of 'lots' are stolen merchendise. Who has 8 tubes of Bath and Body Works pineapple shower cream? Also it's been discontinued for a while...I know Body Shop and Lush products go bad after a few years. Then I started looking at the beads. Big mistake! Everything was under $2, but I forgot how many items I bid on. ALso, i forgot about shipping. Luckily i didn't break a twenty. And now I will be receiving over a thousand beads in the mail soon. Some rose quartz, turquoise, mesh jewelry bags and 500 lime green Swarovski crystals. I'm not sure if I am going back to ebay or not.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Food is very expensive

So, i'm trying to budget some so that I can save money to move to Portland, Or sometime next year. It will be a huge opportuinty for me to open up my jewelry to a friendlier craft market and open myself up to new experiences. I went online and disected my spending from the past three months. I am horrified, shocked and astounded at what I have been spending my money on. I figured that in the last 3 months I have spent $740 on groceries and eating out combined. That is ridiculous! Now, it may have been this high because now that I'm living in the 'basement apartment' at my p's house, I sometimes pick up groceries for the p's. Unfortinately I did see Montana Ted's on my list a few times. There buffalo chili tasted just like chili I got in Chicago at this little Jewish deli under Tower Records on Belden. I also saw lots of purchases at Kroger's under $10. Whenever I spend under $10 anywhere, I don't count it as real money because it is such a small amount. That needs to change! i only spent $78 on beauty treatments. That included 4 manicures and an eyebrow waxing. I need to start doing my own nails...but I hate to! My hands have the shakes (a family trait) so it is hazrd to make it look nice. Of course, I didn't include all my Aveda jaunts and Bath and Body Works forays. So, it is probably much higher than $78. My Tourmaline Charged Exfoliating Face Cleanser costs $30 itself! But it does help my nose. This year, for some totes insane reason, my nose began peeling. My make up highlighted every piece of dead skin. So I had to start exfoliating everyday. But, actually, I had to take matters further and get a mini loofah pad for it. And now, if i miss a day of exfoliation, the dead skin comes right back! WTF! So really, I'm saving money because I really want to get a glycolic acid peel (70%). Maybe this will be the year... Okay, new plan! Stop spending so much money on food, and spend the savings on the facial peel! I love budgeting!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I Love...

I love the Chateau Marmont. I stay there everytime I'm in L.A. I always get a luxury suite with an ajoining room. You never know how many superstar actors, models and artists will be staying the night. Last month, I was at ChMa and I ran into Lindsay, Lindsay Lohan. She had been in court earlier in the day. She looked like a crack head. Her skin was a mess with make up caked on...and she was orange! If she was soaking wet, she'd weigh 95 lbs. I'm pretty sure she had been crying, her face was so puffy...We chatted for a mo...I lied and told her she looked marvelous...That no one will even notice the alcohol and drug monitoring apparatus attached to her ankle...It was all very chic...kiss kiss.

I love decadence.
I love bitchy cats
I love the Pope's jewelry
I love Downtown Julie Brown
I love Monaco in May
I love biting sarcasm
I love silver glitter, the other colors are so declasee
I love Edina Monsoon, she is actually my birth mother. I was switched in the hospital nursery with Saphy
I love men who go with that whole tight pants and skinny tie fashion, very sexy Italian men

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Life after Macauley

I have been communing with the cats all day. It made me feel a little better. I know they miss him too. Mew misses Mac's daily bath he gave her. I think they were best friends. They were always laid up on my parents bed together, napping mostly. Right now I'm in a threesome with Steve Buscemi and Sweetpea. I'm such a swinger!

Today was my mom's birthday! We showered her with gifts and Catchphrase! I cooked a pretty nice meal, chicken cordon bleu and roasted broccoli. I tried to roast tomatoes, but that recipe baked for 6!!! hours. These better be some awsome maters.

Tomorrow I am putting together my jewelry display case. I designed it on paper and am now building it with my bare hands. If this goes well, I'm building a tv stand/shoe rack for my bedroom. Should I go out and get a pair of crocs and lots of sweater vests now? Pretty soon I'll start building a deck.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


These girls can not stop bickering!Jill is crying crocodile tears. Betheny is strong and channeling her new motherly instincts. Kelly is still crazy as hell. Ramona is still drunk on Pinot Grigio. Not much to say, except there are some serious Dallas styles going on w/ the one shoulder dresses.

My mom and I took Macauley to the emergency clinic tonight to put him to sleep. He was a king to the end! My Chinese kitty.. my thug life..Fatfore...Donkey ears...pinhead...He was saved out of the Woodhill Ghetto in 1995. I was with Nicole and this man opened his front door during a horrible storm and two soaking rat like thing ran into the hovle. One was Macauley Balfour. I took him home and his pampered life began. I had Sliver and Joshua to teach him the ropes. He never clawed the furniture she got to keep his claws. He weighed almost 30 lbs. at his peak. There will never be another like Mac Daddy!

Friday, June 4, 2010


So much on my plate right now. I've decided to have a jewelry party during the first weekend in August. It will be my first jewelry party in 4 years. I'm totes excited. I have a new style. I'm working with metal, doing some wrapping..I think it's my most mature work to date. I'm just all about creating beautiful, shiny little baubles for the masses. The centerpiece of my collection is the Princess necklace. Swarovski beads. Over 200 Swarovski beads on one necklace. It is so beautful! I am also launching a website. DIVAKITTYdesigns bitches!!! I'm, of course, I'm having loads of technical difficulties. The latest problem is that my pics have too many pixels, which means they are too big to load. I'll figure it out...eventually. The website has lots of cloisenne, amethyst, citrine, pearls,sodalite...lots of naturally ocurring stones. The pics are amazing. A friend's husband took them with a very fancy camera. They really highlight all the rich colors of the beads.

So who knows how to upload pics onto facebook from your phone? I have askjed my brother and he claims he only knows how to do it on his phone. I know he is lying and just doesen't want to fool with me. He has no patience. So if anyone wants to lay some knowledge on me...

It's 5 o'clock somewhere...Cheers!