Sunday, May 9, 2010

I still believe that I can not be saved

Okay. Religion. I don't think I ever believed in God. When I was in second grade a nun told me that if I ever can't find something that I've lost, I should pray to some saint. I believed her. It worked the first time I lost my favorite heart shaped eraser. This led me to believe that God was magical, along with turning water into wine. The next time I lost something I prayed and it didn't work. That cemented my belief that their was no God. I mean I was like 7, so it's not like I actually thought, or said there was no God, but I felt it. I also hated the torture of sitting through mass. I mean, really, who wants to get up at 7 in the morning to make 8 o'clock mass. I thought that the priests were creepy and the nuns were mean. So by the time I was a teenager, I actually actively thought that there was no God, and religion was a mass delusion. That people who believed in God were delusional. There are facts and there is fiction. Science is made up of facts and religion is at the least is mythology. But I do believe that everyone has the absolute right to believe in whatever they want.

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