Friday, May 14, 2010

New York Housewives

So Ramona is renewing her vows and takes 'the girls' on a nweekend bachalorette cruise. Why did crazy ass Kelly come? First of all she looks more manly in a swimsuit than RuPaul. Why is she always bashing Bethany? I hate her! I mean, she's dumb as a box of hair and rude. She doesn't know what the saying turning lemons into lemonaid means? really? Also goes crazy when someone says they're going to step on grapes to make wine. "That's food!" Really? "If you had it like this, you wouldn't give it away". Like she's so hot that she is above a one night stand? If I were there, I would have been arresstd for knocking her lights out.

The Countess must be really man hungry! That sleazeoid she went to the opium den bar is really gross. Or maybe i just really can't stand men with highlights in their hair. Also, Countess, turquiose jewelry should be worn a piece, or two at a time. The huge necklace and earrings would have done just fine. No need to add bracelettes to both wrists and a ring. How goesh. Also, that bizarre 'producer'...All he did was kiss her ass and make her think she could sing. Was he so fucked up that he couldn't show his eyes? What kind of professional wears sunglasses in doors, at work? He must have been really high to be able to tell LuAnne that he could never call her anything but "the Countess". If i saw my mom, or for that matter anyone I know, act like she does (i bet she could turn a lump of coal into a diamond) I would tell them how fake and uptight they appeared.

On another note, I was watching some documentory about heir and heiresses living in the city. Bianca Trump was included and some other young adults who were waiting on, or already got their inheritance. It made me think about me having children. I know that I will never die and leave my kids millions, but what can I do to give them a better life than I've had?
First of all, I would want to be able to have some family business that my kids could work for if they needed. I would help them find something they like to do that they could turn into a job. I wouldn't brain wash them into thinking that if they don't go to college, they'll be bums. My degree was a huge waste of time and money. I ended up drowning in debt with all the student loans. This may sound totes retarded but my dad told me I could go to whatever school I wanted to. I always thought that he was paying for college. But i ended up with all the debt. I would explain to my children that i would help pay for schooling, but they would be paying for at least half. I would tell them that they need to work extra hard to get scholarships. I don't know...basically, i would want to prepare them for life after college. Discuss graad school, or working or something. When I finished college, all I had was a diploma. No real world skills or any kind of plan. Maybe I'm a little bitter.

1 comment:

  1. evan i hate the countesses jewelry! it looks like something from a low budget lex boutique! lmao. im team jill 100%. f^%$ bethanny she looks like a hampster with an eating disorder> love ya AARON
